After Supper (Shona sculpture by Sampson Kuvenguhwa)

"supper" in Shona "chikafu cha usiku"

Discover the profound influence of Shona culture, beliefs, and way of life on Sam's captivating artworks. Explore Sam's portfolio, delve into his unique artistic vision and learn more about the significance of Mapiti. Join us on a journey of discovery and inspiration! Enhance your understanding of Sam, his masterpieces, and the cultural heritage that fuels his artistic expression.

Sampson Kuvenguhwa - Artist name Sam Kuve - Shona Sculptor

After supper

The great importance of food and meal times - read more here

Black Serpentine stone carving. Click here to learn about the stones used in Zimbabwe by sculptors.

Carved by Sampson Kuvenguhwa - Sam Kuve. Stands about 25 cm high.

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