Beautiful Lady


In Zimbabwe, where beauty is found, There lived a Shona lady, proud and bold. Her grace and charm, by all renowned, Was a sight to behold, for both young and old.

Her sculpted form, carved with care, In stone, a tribute to her allure. Her curves and angles, so fair, Captured in time, forever pure.

The artist's hand, skilled and precise, Brings forth her essence, for all to see. The beauty that once lived in life, Now immortalized for eternity.

In Zimbabwe, a land of art and grace, This Shona lady's beauty has found its place. Forever remembered, in stone and heart, A symbol of beauty, that will never depart.


Shona sculpture from Zimbabwe often captures the beauty and essence of its subjects, including people, animals, and abstract forms. The "beautiful bust of a lady that never ages" is a stunning example of this art form, although the sculptor is unknown. Discover more about the cultural significance of Shona sculpture and the beauty often depicted in this art form on our Website.

Brown Verdite stone carving - Sculptor unknown - Click here to learn about the stones used in Zimbabwe by sculptors.

Stands about 55cm high.