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The images of paintings displayed on our website are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual size of the artwork. Please ensure to measure your space and use a cut-out for size comparison to guarantee satisfaction before making a purchase.
Size of Paper A2 46x64cm
- Charcoal and pastel pencils on A2 size paper (46x64cm)
- For price please visit
About Tonderai's Passion for Wildlife Protection
Tonderai's dedication to wildlife preservation shines brightly in all his works and actions. From supporting local conservation efforts to spreading awareness about endangered species, his love for wild animals is truly inspiring.
Empowering Communities through Art
Tonderai believes in the power of art to make a positive impact. By showcasing beautiful Zimbabwean animals, we not only celebrate the beauty of creativity but also contribute to supporting local protectionism.
Together, Making a Difference
With Tonderai's passion for wildlife protection and our commitment to supporting communities in Zimbabwe, every interaction with ZimHolidayandArt becomes a small step towards a brighter future for both art and wildlife conservation.
If you're interested in purchasing a painting or have inquiries about other artworks, please click the button below to access our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!
All Items are offered subject unsold!