Barry is a very talented Shona artist based in Harare, Zimbabwe. His artistic prowess and ability to capture the essence of life in Zimbabwe through his paintings have made him a renowned figure in the art community.
Barry's paintings, depict various aspects of Zimbabwean life. From the bustling cities like Harare, Mbare, and Bulawayo to the serene countryside, Barry's artwork beautifully portrays the diversity and vibrancy of the country.
One of the recurring themes in Barry's paintings is the depiction of people in their day-to-day lives. Whether it's a street vendor selling fresh produce or children playing in the fields, Barry's attention to detail and ability to capture the emotions of his subjects is truly remarkable.
Another prominent feature in Barry's artwork is the representation of Zimbabwe's natural beauty. His paintings of the famous avenues lined with Jacaranda trees evoke a sense of tranquility and nostalgia. Additionally, his portrayal of the coal-fired electricity station and various markets showcases the unique blend of modernity and tradition that defines Zimbabwe.